In this video, I discuss how to deal with the fear of not knowing what to say to women and running out of things to say to keep conversations going. You have more to say when you stop thinking.

In this viewer’s question, he’s afraid to even start conversations with women because he doesn’t know what to say and is afraid he’ll run out of stuff to talk about quickly. This is a very common fear for men.

It’s about getting out of your head and stopping thinking so much, but everyone says that – what does that actually mean??

Getting out of your head means slowing down your analytical mind and getting more in touch with the feelings and emotions in your body. It also means you stop filtering yourself with women.

I’ll go into how to get into feeling a lot in the video, but one easy thing you can do is ask “boring” questions.

Yup. Ask girls the same old questions everybody asks them – what most dating coaches tell you not to do. The key is to 1) actually be genuinely interested in her answer and 2) in touch with your emotions and attraction for her when you ask. If you ask a “boring” question from a genuinely curious, flirtatious, turned-on place with a sexual twinkle in your eye and attraction in your voice, the question takes on a whole new meaning. This is what “it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it” really means.

This kind of stuff changes the tone of the whole conversation, and when you really start to get this emphasis of feeling and emotion, you won’t run out of things to say and talk about with women any more.

Submit a question for me to answer on a future YouTube Live Q&A at!

(Q&A sessions are held regularly on Thursdays at 6 PM. Times are subject to change when I’m travelling and during intensive workshops.)