Are you handsome but can’t get girls you like? I answer a viewer’s question about this.

For many men, it goes back to nice guy syndrome.

Especially when it comes to what attracts women, looks really aren’t everything. If you’re handsome but can’t get girls like you want to, it could be multiple things:

-Like the viewer who asked the question, you might have nice guy syndrome, and you lack the confidence to step into tension and be real with women. Or, maybe
-You have more confidence than “nice guys,” but you’re missing some of the other elements that Brian talks about in the video, like feeling and emotional awareness, openness, and vulnerability. So women may not trust or really feel connected to you.

On either end of the spectrum, it’s about developing the full spectrum of authentic masculinity, which I talk about in the video. I also wrote a whole mini-series on masculine confidence: you can check that out here.

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