In this video, I wanted to address 2 sticking points that I see many men struggle with and they are hindering your growth.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in July 2017. The video remains in its originally published form while the post has been updated.

The first is low self-esteem. In the video, I take you through an exercise on how to release on low self-esteem so that you can start stepping into your innate, natural confidence that is the real yoo.

The 2nd sticking point that I see is being in your head.

When faced with uncertainty, problems, or challenges, most people default to thinking more about the problem.

But the more you try to analyze and think your way out of your problem, the more you make it even worse. (Though yes, there are exceptions of people making breakthroughs.)

I want to challenge to try something different. Instead of analyzing your problem to death, learn how to surrender, and learn to let go right away. Letting go is one of the best ways to get into flow, to relax, to have fun, and to get out of your head. Letting go of a problem will allow you to connect to people in front of you.

Letting go will allow you to get into a feeling state while processing your emotions.

When it comes to self-esteem, the problem is all the negative emotions you have stored in your body. All the doubt, worry, fear, grief, apathy, and etc
get in your way of being confident and fully expressing your natural beingness.

When it comes to women, for example, what were the messages that you got when you were younger, and how are these affecting your self-esteem in a positive or negative way?

Bring awareness to what comes up when you think about women. Be aware of the stories, beliefs, sensations and, emotions that come up. Do you feel a pull towards women or is there a sense of pushing away?

Letting Go is the process to surrender and release all the stories, beliefs, and negative emotions in your body and mind.

By releasing on emotions that are binding your nervous system, you open yourself up and you free yourself of stories, beliefs, and emotions that are keeping your bound up in anxiety and fear.

Image by Laurie-Anne Robert


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