Supercharged Weeklong Combines our Two Most Powerful Modalities for Life Transformation

LOS ANGELES, CA       NOVEMBER 13-18 , 2018




The tools of a) releasing and b) movement & feeling are each incredibly powerful on their own. But when combined, they can make you unstoppable in your self-development and the pursuit of your goals. This is going to be an incredibly powerful weeklong of deep internal work that can set you free.

Releasing, AKA Letting Go, is a set of tools we use across all of our events. Releasing allows you to:

  • Let go of limiting beliefs, emotions, and past trauma
  • Change your relationship to your desires and goals so you achieve them much easier
  • Transform your emotional awareness and understand yourself at a much deeper level
  • Build and expand genuine feelings of courage, confidence, self-assuredness, happiness, and deeper self-worth to propel you forward much faster, easier, and more successfully in every area of your life.
  • Change your relationship to emotional pain, rejections, failures, and other heavy emotions so you can transcend them more easily, effectively, and without crutches like alcohol, drugs, stress-eating, and other self-defeating distractions or addictions
  • And much more.

Feeling & Movement goes hand-in-hand and complements releasing. I call it “Feeling & Movement” because I put much more emphasis on feeling and body/emotional awareness than movement itself. Emotions are stored in your body, and movement can wake that up. It’s also about getting more grounded and connected to your body as an end to itself. Feeling & Movement allows you to:

-Become more connected to your body and grow your masculinity and/or femininity (Depending on who you are and what you need to work on. Remember, men and women each have access to and need both their masculinity and femininity.)

-Feel more confident

-Get out of your head and slow down your over-analytical defaults

-Discover and process repressed emotions you weren’t even aware of do you can let them go

-Feel more empowered, confident, relaxed, and grounded

-Get more present and attractive to everyone around you

-Enjoy sex more for yourself as well as give partners more pleasure

-Enjoy just being in your body more

We’ll spend the week playing with subtle, feeling-focused movements to wake up the body, wake up your emotions and everything inside of you, and process those emotions both with the feeling work and with the tools of releasing. That’s where the releasing really comes in to play; once you’re more in touch with your body and have stirred up and better identified what’s going on inside you, it makes all the releasing tools that much more powerful and effective.

You’ll also feel and release your way into feeling more empowered, more authentically masculine (assuming that’s what your working on), and more confident. You’ll see how this work together can totally change how you feel as a man or a woman, how you feel about yourself, how you impact others when you walk into a room. It can even change how you walk and hold yourself…without any actual body language techniques that too often, are actually covering up insecurity rather than dealing with the root cause.

Through the compounding effect of the weeklong format, you’ll leave with big shifts in your self-perception, your confidence and self-worth, your drive, and how people perceive you. You’ll let go of baggage big and small that’s been weighing you down, understand yourself at a far deeper level than ever before, and you’ll have countless tools to continue the work on your own…for the rest of your life.

Many of our most successful clients have credited both releasing and feeling & movement as key factors in their success with dating, sex, relationships, career & financial success, and even overcoming disability. (See the testimonials at the bottom of this intensive’s description.)

I know, this is a lot to take in, and it might all seem a little odd or foreign to you. But I know this can change the trajectory of your whole life, and that’s why I’m so excited to create this combo weeklong. If this sounds interesting at all, give us a call today and we’ll discuss it some more and answer any questions you have.


In 2013 dating & lifestyle coaches Brian Begin and Dave Stultz launched their first collaborative workshop that planted the seeds of FEARLESS, the personal improvement site that helps men push through fear, live courageously and get high impact results in all areas of their lives. FEARLESS brings out clients' confidence and connection skills from their core so they can succeed at elite levels and build their true dream life.

Begin and Stultz use their FEARLESS philosophy – a personalized combination of video feedback, deep connection work, presence and body consciousness building, core belief, thought, and philosophy restructuring and real-world exercises – to build powerful confidence in students from the inside out.

Begin and Stultz put heavy attention to detail on each client’s challenges through belief, thought and philosophy restructuring and real-world exercises to remove personal stumbling blocks so that natural confidence, communication and connection skills rise to the surface.
Begin grew up in a family that struggled with finances and moved often. He found himself shy to the point of agoraphobia – afraid to leave the house – with much of his adolescence spent by himself. It wasn’t until he was into his 20s that he had any success with women, and even then he was a people-pleasing 'Mr. Nice Guy', unaware that he was actually being 'nice' to get people (especially women) to validate and like him.

As Begin transformed into a highly confident man – free of his previously crippling anxieties and fear-based social masks – he moved into coaching. Trained at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute with coursework under Dr. Karl Wolfe and David Neagle, Begin's career took shape when he discovered he had the innate ability to teach others how to live a more successful life by simply changing perspective and behavior.

Stultz teaches FEARLESS students to confront fears and set goals, which people often face in the world of athletics. Stultz should know: his once-debilitating panic at the idea of heights and flying inspired a bold shift in attitude towards extreme sports such as skydiving, snowboarding and rock climbing; Stultz is now a licensed sky- and scuba diver as well as a certified snowboard and ski instructor

In addition to his enthusiasm for sports, Stultz's rich life experiences so far include running his own businesses and managing nightclubs as well as commercial and fashion photography. All of these experiences give Stultz a very diverse set of skills in communicating and connecting with people in many different environments.

What Some Weeklong Alumni Are Saying

Before Fearless I thought life was just about what is handed to you and you just have to suck it up. After, I took a few courses, I realized you make life how, you want it to be. I realized all of the repressed memories create emotions that don't define you. I learned to let go, and now I have the job of my dreams and a beautiful woman by my side.

~ Sean S.

I don’t know where to begin, Fearless has an still is changing my life. It’s hanged the way I view the world because it’s changed the way I view myself. Getting good with women, that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this stuff. But what I Love a lot about the program is that its’s just that, it’s a brotherhood. And I couldn’t be more proud and happy to be a part of it.

~ Matthew J

Fearless helped me to see how much we're communicating without words, and how I was conveying insecurities, doubt and anger to women at a subtle level without realizing it. After doing work with fearless, friends tell me I seem much more grounded, confident, and that I listen better and women respond better to me, while I worry less about what I say to them.

~Robert C

Since I started Fearless, my life now is 360 compared to what it was. Now I can date women and be vulnerable and masculine and not be afraid to get sexual, & I learned how to create my new reality. I am still learning to let go of what I really want, & now I am working on fulfilling my dream by becoming a TV Chef Personality, something I never thought would have happened.

~ Eddie