In this video, Brian covers the 7 Natural Laws of the Universe and how they affect your life. Once you understand how to operate within these laws, life becomes easier. Anytime you want to figure out what isn’t working in your life, look at these laws and figure out which you are violating.

3 – The Law of Cause and Effect
Everything has a cause and an effect, like dominoes falling, or one little piece of snow breaking off the top of a mountain and leading to an avalanche.

Looking at your life and diving deep into the mind, the cause of all your problems, everything you’re dealing with, the cause of your life, is thought mixed with emotion. When you take “unreasonable responsibility” for being the cause of everything in your life – maybe some of the things you created originated from an unconscious place, but you still ultimately created them – you empower yourself.

4 – The Law of Polarity
Everything has an opposite. You can’t have up without down, left without right, or masculine without feminine. And you can’t have a question without an answer already existing somewhere in the universe. You can’t have a burning desire for something without a way to achieve it. The challenge is that the answer is often outside our comfort zones.
5 – The Law of Gestation
Gestation is the period of time it takes for something to come into form. A baby goes through a gestation period of nine months. Certain things in the world and life tend to have “normal” gestation periods, but as the human race and technology progresses, these gestation periods often get shorter and shorter.

Realize that as you are working on yourself, things may move slowly at first, but that they can move faster and faster as you progress…and as you pay attention to the rest of these laws.

6 – The Law of Rhythm
Everything has a rhythm to it. The seasons of the year have a rhythm to them, as do how we eat, sleep, and wake up. To surf successfully, you have to get in rhythm with the waves. Rhythm is essential in music. Rhythm works everywhere. In life and anything you’re working on, you’re in rhythm when you’re not rushing or doubting; you’re riding the wave and feeling things out and adjusting.

7 – The Law of Transmutation
The transmutation period is when things you are working on are going haywire or feeling uncomfortable. Feeling like you should give up, stop, or go back. But like a caterpillar becomes a messy glob of goo but becomes a butterfly by going through that transmuation, a transmutation period of feeling very messy and uncomfortable is natural in anything big you’re trying to do or change in your life.