A past FEARLESS client talks about getting past rejection and failure with women. Jameson discusses how he maximized his growth, especially in terms of dealing with rejection.

Watch Part 2

One of Jameson’s key takeaways is to “learn to detach yourself from rejection in terms of what it does to your self worth.”

As Jameson talks about, many men feel a hit to their self-worth and confidence when they get rejected by women, so they don’t learn or grow from it as much as they could. They may even get worse or avoid situations where there could be rejection.

Another defense mechanism of a mentality men often take on in the face of rejections and failures with women is that “she’s a bitch,” or “Women suck.” This is a coping mechanism, but it doesn’t serve you.

It’s about feeling good about yourself, staying genuinely open, grounded, and light around rejection.

It’s also about really understanding how women operate and why, which Jameson discusses with me in the video.

You always want to respect women and their boundaries. But when you’re able to stop taking things so personally and keep having fun – again, staying emotionally open and aware, grounded, enjoying yourself, and genuinely enjoying the woman in front of you for the beautiful human being she is, without needing her to validate you to enjoy her presence – sometimes, initial coldness, hesitation, or rejections can turn into connections. (This doesn’t mean you argue with a woman who tells you to get lost, disrespect her physical space, or generally force things if she clearly doesn’t want to talk to you.)

Another example Jameson brings up in the video is if a woman you’re meeting or flirting with starts talking to another guy. Do you get jealous and insecure? Or do you feel good enough about yourself that you let her be herself and are ok whether she comes back to you or not?

The faster you can let go of rejections and not take a hit to your self-esteem, the more women will be drawn to you, and the more seeming “rejections” will actually turn into flirtations and strong connections.

This is also called having indifference to outcome, which I wrote a post on developing for yourself here.

Watch Part 2: Getting Past Rejection and Failure with Women – Part 2