Self-image might be holding you back with beautiful women – and more importantly, we’ll give you some tools for changing that mindset.

I want to talk about one essential thing you must have down. And it’s an internal thing. That’s very powerful. If you want to draw the women you really like into your life, most men have this wrong. And if you stay to the end of this video, I’m gonna give you one technique to help you shift this area of your life.

So let’s dive in. What I wanna talk about is your self-image, your internal self-image. But I wanna talk about it in a specific way. I’ve talked about this before, but not in this way. And this one idea is really important and powerful. And that’s that if you, your internal image when you shut your eyes and you picture yourself talking to the women of your dreams, the women that you really like if you are smaller internally if you are less than internally if you feel heavier than the women that you’re picturing in your mind like they’re bigger energy, they’re bolder than you.

They have more value than you. You will not be able to track those women. You see the women you’ll be drawing into your life are women that you feel like you are as big or bigger than on a self-image level. If you feel like, uh, you wanna date these women that you perceive as an eight, nine, or 10, or whatever your eight, nine and, and tens are. And you see them as up on this pedestal.

And when you shut your eyes or see them as bigger energy, having more value, or that they’re gonna give you value, they’re gonna bring value. This is a big one. They’re gonna bring value to your life by being in your life and make you more, uh, valuable as a man, those women aren’t gonna like you, they’re not gonna come into your lives because women are drawn to men that have the same level of value as them or greater.

They don’t want men that have less value than them. That’s not their job or their role as the feminine. Think about it in nature. If you have a tree, the tree trunk is the grounding stable element; the branches and the leaves express energy. So the branches and leaves are expressions of the tree, but you’ve gotta have this stability, this solidness underneath that’s your role as the masculine, your role is the masculine to be able to draw truly feminine women.

If that’s what you want is to be that grounding stable force, that representation of internal stillness that allows women to express out and go free. And then they want to give you their femininity, their light flow, their light flowing energy to fill you up. And it feels amazing too, to be a grounded masculine man. Now, if you’re a really feminine guy and want to be that flowing energy, you’re going to be looking for a more masculine woman.

How Bad Is Your Self Image With Beautiful Women

That is that grounding force. And it’s a little different principle, but most men are actually happiest being the grounding force with a woman that’s being more, the feminine flowing force. This, this balance, you gotta get this internal image straight. You gotta take a deep look at it inside at what your internal image is in relation to beautiful women, to be able to, uh, really make a fast shift on your life.

I’ve seen people, literally men go out and shift this area, start changing their internal self-image, and suddenly with no dating techniques at all, they start getting dates. They start getting sex. Start. They meet the girl of their dreams because they’re no longer at this point, chasing the girls for validation. Hear that again? No longer chasing the girls for validation. They’re saying, I feel good. Do you want to come and join me?

Do you wanna hang out with me? And so what I want to do with you right now is I want to invite you to take a look at what your internal self-image looks like in relation to the beautiful women you want to date. Not every woman, specifically, the beautiful woman that you wanna meet. And everybody has a different idea of what’s beautiful too.

I’ve seen some guys say that this girl was beautiful and they get super intimidated. Another guy’s not attracted to her at all. And he walks right up and starts talking to her and it’s no problem. But then he sees that same guy that walked, that girl sees this other girl that he thinks is beautiful. And suddenly he shrinks. Now you can reach a point where you look at these women and think they’re fucking beautiful, and amazing, but you don’t shrink.

You see yourself as a compliment, like, yeah, I’m a sexy bastard. And we talk about the sexy bastard meditation here. It’s in my book and I’m a sexy bastard and you can come to join me. Cause I know you’re a beautiful, sexy woman, and we’re a great compliment to each other. That’s what I’m talking about. If you can master that, then you can take everything to the next level.

So let’s take a look at this internal self-image and let’s add this new element to the sexy bastard meditation, making sure that you, as a sexy bastard, see yourself as good or even, uh, stronger in your internal self-esteem than the women you want to date. We need to take a direct look at this. So before we do, I want to, uh, remind you if you haven’t subscribed to the channel, definitely subscribe to the channel.

That’s so powerful. And it’s such an important step for us in growing the channel to the next level. We’re trying to get that a hundred K subscriber mark. Also, make sure to share, cause it helps us to grow the channel, make sure to, uh, like the videos and make sure to sub, uh, give us some comments. Uh, we definitely love your comments. We’re always checking your comments out, going through ’em, and seeing what you guys want more of.

So I promised you that I would give you a technique to shift this area of your life. But the first thing we gotta do before we do that is I want to have you take a deeper look at what’s going on inside of you. So I want you to go out where there are beautiful women you are insanely attracted to, such as a bar, a club, or something.

And I want you to notice how you’re noticing how big their energy women are, tend to be big energy, right? Especially, uh, when they’re being flowing and they’re dancing or the music, and there’s all this energy coming off. Of’em notice if your energy if you feel smaller than them if you feel like you’re shrinking in the room, are you a wallflower against the wall? When you walk up to them, are you bringing energy as much energy or more, to the communication? Or are you shrinking your energy? Then I want you just to notice that. And then I want you to sit down and kind of close your eyes for a minute. So look at a girl that you think is really hot, close your eyes, and then picture how you see yourself. Ran, write it down, take a little journal, write it down.

Notice how you see yourself. Do you see yourself as smaller than her? And I’m not talking about state pumping. A lot of you guys will state pump. And yeah, I feel to myself as bigger than her. No, when you relax all the state pumping when you relax all the telling yourself, you’re good enough.

All the pretending to be confident. What do you naturally do? Describe it. Do you have a, what? What does your internal image look like? Is this, are you smaller than her? Is it in black and white? Are you pulled back? Do you feel heavy inside? What part of your body do you feel heavy in start to notice this stuff. It’s so powerful to shift this area and remember to drop all that, telling yourself you’re good enough. And just report the details. Be really honest about what you feel. Then I want you to go home after that and review it again in silence.

Sit in the silence and look at yourself. Notice. Do you feel heavier after going to the bar and doing this, is your energy shrinking more? Are you shrinking down? Are you tacking yourself? There, what are your thoughts? Are there self-abusive thoughts going on in the journal? All this, get an internal image of what’s happening inside.

That will be so powerful in getting in touch with this. And then when you’ve got the picture of what you look like and feel like, write down how you see these beautiful women, you know, is their energy huge? Are they dancing? Do they not care about you? They don’t look at you? Do you feel like you are there? Well, they’re really into that guy. I can see he’s got big energy and they’d be into that.

But not me. You gotta be really honest about this. See where their energy’s going. How are they using their energy to pull on different men? They like the bar and start to notice that. And then notice again, where you fit into that category. Are you just the guy in the back of the room? Some guys can be very bold, but they’re heavy. They’re like forward, but they’re like analytical notice if that shield and behind that an uncle nature, we more energy around your self-esteem, more feelings that you probably don’t wanna feel.

So if you drop that, what do you feel? And this is all just to help you get in touch with the image that you’re creating of yourself and women. The next step will be for you to start to change this internal self-image a little bit at a time. It’s not gonna happen all at once.

Although I’m not gonna say that something like that couldn’t happen, anything’s possible. So I’m gonna invite you into the idea of starting to do, if you know how to do revealing, starting to do revealing on these images, meditate, reveal, and start releasing all of the storage stories outta your body. The images a little bit at a time every day; give yourself a period of time a month, two months, three months. And the goal will be to get that internal self-image naturally without forcing you to be as big or bigger than these beautiful women, to where your heart’s blasting open in these environments, to where you feel really good about yourself.

The next thing I’m gonna invite you to do is start doing the sexy bastard meditation with this deeper level of understanding. And this is the technique I want you to work with. I want you to work with the idea that if you take even 10 minutes a day and start opening your heart, your stomach, and your turn to feeling like a sexy bastard, then your reality is going to start to shift fast.

So how does that work? If you were to do that, let’s take a deeper look at that note. It’s really simple you. You sit down and the meditation is a meditation, but there’s also releasing involved. So if you know how to do release, it’s great. If you don’t, you just kind of sit down and follow along, but you’re gonna sit down and welcome. You’re gonna welcome all the things you see and feel about yourself. And these are gonna change day to day.

You might have started with that journal, but you’re gonna have to about every week or so. You wanna update it and see what’s changing and just welcome and be with it and welcome how you feel about yourself, all the heaviness, all the darkness, all the parts of yourself, you don’t like. And just be with that for a little bit, be with it as much as you can and notice where you feel it in the body. And just sit with your eyes closed, feeling that, asking your heart to open as much as it’s willing, it’s very important. You open your heart because a closed heart makes it difficult to do these processes. It doesn’t let anything in and out. So you even open the heart a little bit more, if you can, it might hurt but do that

And feel that internal self-image, at least the dark side of it, the side you don’t like now. I want you to welcome that part of yourself that you do. Like currently, maybe it’s 1% or 20%. Maybe it’s a hundred percent that part of yourself, you really like and just be with it and open your heart to that for a minute and notice where that guy is feeling good is he’s just heart blasted wide open. What about his stomach? What about his turn-on? Can he, does he feel grounded? How good does he feel about himself just being, and then I want you to welcome the idea that you’re a sexy bastard.

And just sit with that for a moment and ask your heart to open, ask your turn on, to turn on, which happens down in the hips, and just be with that for a little bit. Welcome the idea. You’re a hell of a sexy bastard. You feel really good about yourself, your turn on your heart’s open, you’re vulnerable, and that women are drawn to you like a magnet versus you chasing them. They’re pulled in. They’re curious about you. They wanna look at you and notice what that feels like.

And then whatever comes up from that. If there’s any resistance to it, just ask yourself, can I just relax that part of my body, where the resistance is and just let it go and just sit a little deeper in the idea I’m a sexy bastard. And then one more time, feel like you’re a sexy Bastar can invite that up. Even if it’s only 1% more don’t push it just a little bit more and picture the exact type of woman that you want to date. You want to meet these exact types of women and see them enjoying you and seeing you as a sexy ambassador. You’re not trying to get their validation.

They’re just enjoying you and you could take them or leave them. You could let them go, cuz you get your validation internally. So welcome that. And then let that go. Let them go. Let the image go and just be for a moment. Feel how good that feels now. Welcome again, that dark part of yourself. That’s heavy that you don’t like when you picture yourself out and around these beautiful women. Notice what that part of yourself feels like. Is your heart open or closed? Is it heavy or light? How does your stomach feel? How do your legs feel? Can you feel your back? Can you rest in your back like a man or does it feel tight and closed?

Good. And then just let that go. Let your mind now drop it and wander to the part of yourself. That feels like a true sexy bastard in general. That feels good about himself. Don’t worry about the women. Just in general. What part of yourself do you like? Do you feel really good about yourself in relation to women, in relationships with women in general, not just those beautiful women? Where do you feel that? Do you feel it in your heart and stomach? Do you feel it in your turn-on, do you feel it in your legs and just notice what that feels like and be with that for a minute. And then notice if there’s any part of yourself trying to manipulate this image, changing it, or making it into something else versus just accepting it exactly where it’s at.

If you feel a tiny bit super sexy, be with that, it’ll grow. Don’t worry. If you feel a lot, be with that; just be honest; that’s all it takes. And so if any part of you trying to change it or manipulate it or push it along, ask yourself, can you just let that go? Can you drop it? And now I want you to allow that part of yourself. That’s sexier to open up. See if you can reveal a deeper aspect of your sexiness to yourself; allow yourself to reveal greater parts of yourself that are a beautiful, sexy, human being, a sexy man. And notice what that feels like.

How Bad Is Your Self Image With Beautiful Women

Let’s go back to this part of yourself. That’s sitting in space around these beautiful women that you want to date or woman, and just welcoming that feeling inside your body of feeling like you are truly attractive to these women. What does that feel like? These women are looking at you. They’re curious, they’re trying to talk to you. Maybe they’re being coy. Maybe they’re using some sexual communication, flirting signals, you know, playing to meet you.

Just notice what they’re like. Maybe one bumps into you. Maybe one says hi directly, but then kind of smiles and blushes and looks down and feels that, feel yourself, grounding them rather than trying to get to them, grounding them, feeling them, appreciating you and notice what that feels like and welcome any part of that. That feels good for now.

Just notice what feels like then ask yourself, can you let that go? Can you just drop that and just let it go? Cause the key is in the art of letting it go. You can’t totally own it. If you can’t let it go, it says, let it go. And then let that reveal more truth to you. What are you realizing right now? Don’t think about it analytically. Whatever comes with the body. It might just be a feeling of what’s being revealed to your body, your nervous system, and your consciousness.

And now as you, again, invite up that image of you, these beautiful women, enjoying you in whatever environment you’re in and you feel like this rock-solid, grounded, sexy bastard. Notice again, what that feels like. And then notice any part of that. That’s heavy around these women, this, these beautiful women looking at, but you feel, maybe there’s a part of you. That’s still heavy. Maybe it’s a little bit in the heart or the turn-on or the stomach or legs and just feel what that feels like and just welcome the heaviness.

You can look right at it. You’re a man. Welcome the doubt. If there’s doubt, welcome the negative thinking. If you’re hearing negative thinking and then, you know what, just ask yourself, are you trying to do anything with or about it can? And if you are asking yourself to drop that, just drop any part of you. That’s trying to manipulate your experience and just have it for a moment. You can handle it. You’re a man. You can be with it and then just drop it all. I know it’s a little quick, but that’s the idea.

If you can move quickly and just let it go, it starts to break the neural pathway. So just drop it, open your heart to the moment again, and be peaceful. No women at all. No sexy bastard, just in this moment with an open heart.

And now one more time. Let’s move back to this image of you being a sexy, grounded, solid bastard in front of beautiful women and feel those beautiful women looking at you,

Feel them around you and then notice if that feels good or bad. And then this time I want you to go back to the image of it, feeling heavy for a moment, and feel any part of you, even if it’s only 1% that feels heavy. That’s not sure that maybe has some self-doubting thoughts, even if there’s a lot of positivity, there are both parts always. And just welcome that for a minute.

Notice if you’re trying to manipulate it, trying to change it, and ask yourself to drop that. Just let it go and just be with it. Notice you can handle it and then drop it again. Just let it go and open your heart and feel like a sexy bastard again in front of these beautiful women dropping that whole side, just look right at ’em and see some woman or women just enjoying you, being with you, and then welcome any part of yourself that feels powerful as a man that feels bold. That feels sexy. That feels turned on. That knows he’s an attractive sexy man. And just be with that guy for a minute

And then allow your upper energy to expand. Allow it to open wider, allow the vulnerability to run down your arms and in the throat, feel your turn on and your stomach, feel your grounding and just be with that for a minute. As much as you can, if there’s any resistance, just gently relax that part of your body, allow it to soften again, open up some more and then allow it to soften some more, and open up some more and some more, and then open up some more.

Sometimes I go fast on purpose, cuz I wanna see if your mind can move with me quickly rather than trying to think about how to do this. Just gently pop. So now, as I say that, welcome the part of you, any part of you that doesn’t feel like a sexy BA and just look right at ’em for a minute in front of these beautiful women and then welcome any part of you that does it feel like a sexy bastard and knows he’s a sexy Bastard and then let that go and go back to the part of you that doesn’t and then notice how fast you could let that go and go back to the part of you that does, and then let that expand a little bit, be with it and then just drop that.

Let it go and go back to the party that does it. And then one more time, drop it, drop it. Just let it go. Don’t think about it. You go to the other one and they let it expand, be with it for a minute and then drop it all and just be, a man that enjoys himself. He doesn’t even need a woman in his life. He can just sit at the park, be out on the street, walking around and he feels like a grounded solid man, whether there’s a woman giving him validation or not, because the key, in the end, is that when you truly start to feel like a solid man, whether you’re getting validated or not, you don’t need a woman anymore. They’re gonna start coming to you. So just let that in. Let that idea in. 

And with that said, I’m gonna say two this time, remember only the confidence really loud. And what would you do if you were fearless or what would you do if you were a sexy bastard and you knew it and uh, that’s pretty much it have a beautiful day and I’ll see you in the next video.