Someone on our YouTube channel asked me about how to improve your conversation skills, and specifically how to get into flow state. I think his impression was that I’m never in my head, always deeply in touch with my body, and always in flow state when I speak.

If I was in my body all the time I’d be enlightened! I’m not.

I do flow a lot when I speak, but sometimes I will stop and look down. What I’m doing here is feeling for the question. Not analyzing or overthinking. I’m tuning into what my gut is saying, to the flow of my CAP (courage, acceptance, peace) emotions and I’m letting my answers come from that place. That’s how flow state works.

It feels bizarre at first but it begins to become more natural over time. In the beginning, you’ll hit flow state for a little bit and then lose it. Just consider that if you can get it for one minute – or even a few seconds – now, you can grow to get it for two minutes and so on. Let it go in and out, flow and then back to baseline. Flow and then back to baseline.

When a thought comes up, just notice it and let it go. Now I let them go so fast I don’t stop what I’m doing. I’m just constantly letting things go. You have to develop that sense of experience as well.

Practice letting go of all distractions. Walk down the street and notice how your mind gets; All the things it wants to wander to, and just get present to the moment.  If you see a pretty girl, just relax and enjoy the experience of seeing her and let it go as you move past her. And continue on down the street and notice the sun setting behind a building. Practice continually doing this. This is practicing how to get into flow state.

The next step is to start bringing the practice into conversation. When you feel a little bit of tightness or nervousness when talking, try to drop your awareness into your body and feel it relaxing and opening. When I’m in a conversation and I feel myself start to get into my head and think too much, I stop and feel my lower back and the backs of my legs and I allow my awareness to drop down into my body. And then I feel good again, and I go from anxious to feeling good again.

These are the keys for how to get into flow state, and the real key to improve conversation skills that will serve you in all types of communication.

It changes the whole tone of the conversation I’m having. Try it out and let me know how it works for you.

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How to Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Body