In this video, Brian interviews Matt Artisan about his perspective on getting over approach anxiety, meeting and approaching women during the day, and increasing your confidence overall.

Just a few of the things Matt & Brian discuss in the video:
-Why less is more when it comes to connecting with and attracting women
-Realizing your approach anxiety is a normal, human thing and not beating yourself up for having fear and anxiety
-Dealing with anxiety and fear in the moment by going through a process of allowing yourself to feel it fully in the present moment, and realizing it’s no big deal to experience those emotions and that they’re temporary
-Why it’s not about the words, and what that means practically
-What really turns women on about you
-How you can say “I want to fuck you” without saying it, and how powerful that is
-visualizing yourself successfully approaching women, like athletes visualize success in their sport
-Who affirmations work for, who they don’t work for, and alternatives
-Figuring out where to start for yourself, and progressing from there
-Mindsets and thinking to help you be patient with yourself…so you’ll grow and progress faster
-Dealing with harsh reactions or rejections, and getting something good out of it
-The power of recognizing and weighing your worst case scenario against your best case scenario when facing hesitation and fear…and how much good there actually is even in the worst case scenario
…and so much more!

Matt is a former intern of Brian’s who now is a highly powerful coach himself. He’s a leading expert in transforming the lives of men and empowering them to create authentic relationships.  He was voted WORLD’s BEST NEW DATING COACH and over the past 7-years has personally coached men in 40 different countries including the U.S., Australia, Germany, Czech Republic, Denmark, Japan, China, Hong Kong, India, Dubai, and the list goes on. He is the creator of The Attractive Man – the legendary dating program for men, which is based on his groundbreaking understanding of women and psychology.

Matt’s specialties range from advanced dating techniques and day game mastery, to deep inner confidence, phone/text game, and “speed seduction.” He takes a very unique approach that combines “natural flow” with extremely potent, structured skills to generate deep attraction and sexual mastery. Matt has been featured as a key speaker at numerous conferences, seminars, and boot camps, including “The Dating World Summit”, “Texting and Online Game Seminar”, and “The Global Pickup Conference”, just to name a few.