Finding and meeting women who are attracted to you becomes much easier when you get out of your analytical mind and become more conscious of the animalistic feelings & emotions all around you.

Watch the full episodeMeet & Attract Women the Most Natural Way: Trust your Gut – Ruwan Meepagala | Becoming FEARLESS – Ep 9

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in April 2016. The post has been updated while the video is in its originally-published form.

Sex, relationships, and creativity coach Ruwan Meepaga ( talks about what “getting out of your head” and analytical mind and getting INTO “feeling means” in this clip from episode #9 of “Becoming FEARLESS.”

It’s about becoming more present and aware of the environment around us and getting back to our animal instincts and gut feelings that can seem “magical” or mystical at first but is really just a natural feature of mammals…when we stop being distracted by all the info and data stimuli around us these days, and stop overthinking it.

When you start learning and becoming aware of all the subtle signals women are putting out there all day, you’ll probably be surprised about how many opportunities you’ve been missing with women who are attracted or at least intrigued by you.

Meepagala ran the “Masculine Underground” seminar in New York City in the summer of 2015 and speaks at others’ events, like he did at FEARLESS’ “The Integrated Man Summit” in Mimi in December 2018. His written work has appeared in numerous publications, including Psychology Today,, The Good Men Project, and Orgasm Daily.

Related Content and Resources:
5 Ways to Tell if a Girl Likes You – Signs Women Are Attracted to You
Get the book Ruwan mentions in the video: A General Theory of Love (Full disclosure: We get a small kickback if you buy through that link.)
How to Meet & Attract Great Women – Stop Pushing them Away | Inside FEARLESS