The truth behind the “women like bad boys” stereotype and how to start conversations with women that are exciting, attractive, and lead somewhere other than the Friend Zone – Yad ( explains.
See full episode: Yad ( – Meeting & Approaching Women During the Day | Becoming FEARLESS
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in 2015. The post has been updated while the video is in its originally-published form.
No, you don’t have to be a heartless asshole to get women, and no it’s not the truly asshole-elements of “bad boys” that women are attracted to. “Bad boys” are attractive to women because they are the kind of men that speak their minds, don’t need or seek the validation of others to validate their own self-worth or behavior, take risks, aren’t afraid of confrontation or pressure…don’t care what people think. In other words, a bad boy is BEING REAL and that makes how he’s talking to women very exciting and compelling to them. His behaviors and actions aren’t colored by people-pleasing, unlike “nice guys” who get put in the friend zone and aren’t actually being nice-“nice guys” are being inauthentic and manipulative. (See “How to Stop the Nice Guy Syndrome” video in the “related videos” section below.)
What Yad-a legendary expert in helping guys build confidence meeting and talking to women during the day (vs at bars and clubs)-really explains and suggests is what we call “tension” at FEARLESS. With meeting women, it can be specifically sexual tension or just general tension-being willing to give her a (usually good-natured) hard time, poke fun at her, allowing her to see (not hiding) your attraction for her and/or being forward, even challenging her. But in the end, it’s not really about coming up with clever things to say to women, it’s about working on becoming free, confident, and authentic enough with yourself that tension-sexual and otherwise-and fun conversation flows from you naturally. Of course you challenge her and give her shit – that’s who you are and that’s fun for you. And you keep your cool when women do get offended by you because you don’t need their validation…which often turns them on and attracts them to you like a magnet.
At FEARLESS, we don’t often give our dating coaching students even simple things to say to girls…other than “hello.” Which believe it or not, can create a lot of attraction and chemistry with women by itself because of how you say it – how you FEEL your attraction for her and communicate that to her non-verbally. Check out more of our videos and blog posts to find out more!
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