Money certainly is abused & obsessed over by many who think money’s everything, but is money the root of all evil? The answer is in your relationship to money…and yourself. Money can be a great tool or a terrible obsession.
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in June 2016.
FEARLESS founder Brian Begin answers the question on whether money is evil with a discussion about your relationship to and beliefs about money. As usual at FEARLESS, it’s not about the thing (in this case, money) itself – it’s about your energy and beliefs about it, and your beliefs about yourself in relation to money.
If you choose to live in our society, you’re probably going to need money to put food on the table and a roof over your head. Money as power is abused by many people. Many others have a toxic relationship to money. But money also is used for a lot of good in the world, and a healthy relationship to it can be a part of positively motivating people to make great contributions to society.
So is money the root of all evil? No. Money is a representation of your ability to create abundance on the material plane. People who are good with making money – if they’re well-balanced – are also good at distributing money to others who can use it to better their own lives. If you have a scarcity problem around money, then yes it will be toxic…even if you manage to have a lot of it.
Money isn’t the problem – it’s people’s relationships to it. Brian goes into more depth with this in the video- enjoy!
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