Being a good listener is an important part of connecting with and attracingt women – That might seem obvious, but most people and even many dating & relationship experts & coaches don’t understand what that REALLY means. When you really get it, you’ll be attracting girls and getting them AND ALL PEOPLE to open up to you like crazy.
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in May 2016. The post has been edited while the video is in its originally published form.
As they say, if you want to be interesting, be interested.
A lot of dating, relationship, and general communication and connection experts do discuss the importance of listening. People love to talk about themselves and feel heard, and as people feel heard and open up to you, they’ll feel more connected and trusting to you. Women especially are all about feeling emotionally connected, so making them feel heard is key to attracting them, connecting with them, and KEEPING them around.
“Active listening” is a good start, but FEARLESS founder Brian Begin discusses what many miss in terms of listening to women and really making them feel understood, appreciated, and connected: FEELING women’s emotions. Not just analyzing the words and content of what she’s talking about. Not even just showing her you’ve “listened to her” by asking questions or making comments about what she’s saying. (If you often are told “You never LISTEN to me!” even if you’ve demonstrated that you were paying attention to the woman, then you *really* need to work on this.)
It’s about getting really present with her, slowing down your analytical mind (more resources below-see in particular the “How to Get Out of Your Head” video), and learning to pick up on the emotions, subtleties, and subtext of what a woman is talking about-really FEELING her emotions in your own body.
As you develop this skill of really present, connected listening, women and all people will gravitate and open up to you like never before, because they’ll feel so heard and genuinely appreciated. It’s truly amazing what can happen and how strongly attracted and connected women will become when they have a great, confident listener in front of them.
Also read: The 8 Qualities Of A Confident and Masculine Man: Listening & Feeling
Related Videos:
How to Get Out of Your Head: Meeting Women & Flow State | Inside FEARLESS #2
How to Hold a Conversation with a Girl
What REALLY Makes You Attractive to Women – Misunderstood Subtleties
How to NOT be creepy – Being Sexual with Women | Inside FEARLESS #34
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