How do you have an awesome marriage that stays? You never stop dating, connecting deeply to, and seducing your wife. The spark doesn’t have to die.

FREE chapter of our “FEARLESS with Women” ebook…and another special offer!

Brian Begin talks about what he wants out of marriage and the story of the Kansas City, Kansas couple of Alice and Dale Rockey who had been married for 81 years-both were 99 years old as of 2015 or 2013, sources differ in the information.

Making marriage and long-term relationships not only “work” or last but stay awesome has a lot to do with not getting comfortable, just like FEARLESS teaches its students to avoid in all areas of their lives. It’s about continuing to date, connect, and seduce like you did when you first started dating. No, that isn’t always easy, but those who live their #dreamlife haven’t gotten there by only doing the things that are easy.

From the Kansas City Star article:

“They traveled everywhere — Florida, Texas, “all the southern states,” as Dale Rockey put it. They traveled so much, in fact, that they were only home about five months out of the year.

Today, they spend their days together, laughing and reminiscing.

They go to breakfast together, then return to their apartment and settle into their recliners. He reads the paper, she does her crosswords. They used to go to bingo on Sundays, but now they mostly pass the time in what Alice Rockey calls a “fancy-free” kind of way.”

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