Meeting and attracting women shouldn’t be difficult – it should come naturally, and it can. It’s about getting out of your over-analytical mind and trusting your gut.

Ruwan Meepagala from “Masculine Underground” and FEARLESS founder Brian Begin discuss getting back to your natural, animal instincts with women and life.

Meepagala ( is a sex, relationships, and creativity coach for men and women – his written work has appeared in numerous publications, including Psychology Today,, The Good Men Project, and Orgasm Daily.

Feeling and gut instinct is what guides those who are highly successful, whether it be success with attracting women, attracting wealth, succeeding in business, or just life fulfillment. Feeling has become a foreign, even “woo-woo” idea for men today. And while “feeling,” and “being present” can be taken too far, these are our natural, most trust-worthy states of being. Analysis by itself isn’t reliable because there are too many variables and perspectives. Hence “analysis paralysis.”

Good luck winning women over with analysis or logic!

Women tend to be emotional creatures and we as men have to get back into feeling with them to connect and relate to them. When you get back into feeling and trusting your gut, there is no “cold approach” or wondering where, when or how you’ll meet and win women over – you see and feel women and can connect with them like it’s your nature. Because it IS your nature to attract women-you just need to get out of your own way.

Humans today and especially men are far too analytical – trapped in their heads, thinking too hard, and out of touch with their natural body awareness – missing so much of the feedback from feelings, emotions, and sensations that the body itself and, the world, and people (ESPECIALLY women) send the mind 24/7.

There’s a reason the terms “animal instinct” and “gut instinct” exist. Animals have very little if anything else but their instincts & gut feelings to go off of-they aren’t analyzing situations like an engineer. Humans have the same limbic system that is credited for animals’ amazing instincts.

The known power of the human gut only continues to grow – in addition to the endless books on trusting your gut, scientific evidence is now beginning to consider the gut as a second brain. The gut is feeding us physical sensation, emotion, and feeling. But we’re flooded with information and have become overly reliant on our analytical minds, and that distracts us from feeling. It becomes a chronic condition that we must break down to get back to our guts and back into feeling.

Resources from this episode
Ruwan’s website –
Ruwan’s twitter
Masculine Underground (Website now defunct)
“One Taste” Orgasmic Meditation