In this video, Brian and the FEARLESS Models discuss how sexual shame that you might not even be aware of impacts all your interactions and relationships with women.
A lot of men who come to our events initially think they don’t have much, if any sexual shame. They don’t see that as one of the things that’s holding them back. But then, when Brian asks guys to talk about sex, what they like sexually, and their fantasies with the models and in front of the other attendees, they get uncomfortable. If they talk about sex at all, it’s very vague and light language, and when Brian asks them to be much more descriptive and graphic, they get even more nervous and uncomfortable.
THAT IS sexual shame. If you are embarassed, nervous, or scared to talk about sex or sexual fantasies freely and in detail – or you do talk about sex but you don’t have fun talking about sex with women without them giving you a sense that it’s “ok,” that’s sexual shame. If you had no sexual shame, you wouldn’t be scared of talking freely and in detail about sex and relax and enjoy it while you talk about it…whether a woman approves of you talking about sex or not.
Sexual shame impacts all your interactions and relationships with women. When you approach a woman you’re attracted to, the implication at some level is that you’re interested in potentially having sex with her. And if there’s shame around that, it impacts how confident, real, and free you are with her.
It affects how you carry yourself and your vibe in general. Picture a man who’s scared or ashamed of wanting sex or of women rejecting him for being sexual.
Now picture a man – like movie star Russell Brand, for example – who loves sex and isn’t afraid of being freely sexual. Can you see the difference in your mind just in how they carry themselves and their vibes?
Sexual shame also impacts romantic and/or sexual relationships you do have because it doesn’t allow women to feel as safe and free around being sexual if they don’t get sexual confidence from you.
Enjoy the video!
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