I’ll SHOW you how to make a connection with a woman, flirt with her, and attract her in part 1 of this video demo.

Connecting with women emotionally, flirting, and attracting them isn’t about what you say or what you talk about, it isn’t about “power poses” or memorizing confident body language, and it isn’t even about just fighting through your fears and being nervous to talk to her anyway.

In this first video of this 4-week series, I’ll be demonstrating the concepts and emotional subtleties of making a connection with a woman that I teach students at intensives and seminars. Along with Lillia – one of our beautiful FEARLESS models who works with students in workshops – I’ll show you what being confident and connected with a woman looks like, and how even the smallest shifts in things like:

-your emotions and how you feel inside
-how aware of and in touch you are with your body
-your mindset
-eye contact
-vocal tonality and pacing
…all affect the connection you have with the woman in front of you, how you come off to her and how attractive you are to her, and how she just feels in your presence.

I know the first two ideas above (1-your emotions and how you feel and 2-body awareness) might sound confusing or weird, but I put them first because they truly are the most important keys to how to make a connection with a woman…that actually goes somewhere (other than the Friend Zone!) You see, I could tell you a great way to start a conversation with a woman. I could tell you to give her a direct or edgy compliment, and I could tell you to hold eye contact, slow down your speech when you compliment a woman, and I could tell you what the “perfect,” “confident,” body language is.

But if you make it a technique and your true emotions and thoughts are severely out of alignment with the behavior or confidence you’re trying to model, it’s gonna come off weird, robotic, or just kind of “off” or awkward and not attractive to women. Because women tend to be a LOT more sensitive than us men in picking up on people’s emotions, and your body is going to find a way to release the tension of the true emotions, beliefs, and thoughts that you’re trying to hide. This can come in many forms, from obvious nervous ticks or tells to rapid microexpressions that can’t be comprehended consciously but can be subconsciously picked up on by others, and especially women.

Before you even open your mouth to talk to a woman, how you feel inside, how relaxed into your body you are, and how much you’re enjoying the presence and beauty of the woman you’re connecting with (and even as you’re walking up to connect with her) massively affects the interaction and the connection you guys have. If you’re nervous and in your head thinking a lot when you go to say hi or shake her hand, your body will tense up, you might smile awkwardly or physically lean slightly away from her, and your voice is likely to give you away even if you know how you “should” speak.

It’s about relaxing into your body and focusing more on how your body feels, your attraction for the woman, and your curiosity about her, than worrying or thinking about what to say or how to win her over.

I demonstrate that and a whole lot more on how to make a connection with a woman in the video, so enjoy that and then watch part 2: Sexual Tension: How to Create Chemistry with a Woman