In this video, I talk about how to not be creepy when approaching a girl.

Coming off as creepy, awkward, weird, or a loser is one of the fears I never stop hearing from clients during seminars and intensives. But this fear is keeping your life small, and the fear itself is exactly what’s likely to make you end up coming off as creepy! Because when you’re thinking a lot about being creepy or awkward, that’s what your mind is focused on, so you’re likely to manifest it. If this sounds crazy or like bs, I explain that more here: How Successful People Think – Success in Personal Development

If you want to live a life that’s filled with passion, fun, fulfillment, and a sense of freedom, then you need to get over even worrying about how to not be creepy when approaching a girl. Because how can you ever truly be a man if you’re afraid of women? How can you really say what needs to be said when it’s hard? How can you do what needs to be done when the pressure is on or you’re out of your comfort zone?

And what happens when you haven’t worked on this and you see that girl you REALLY want to go talk to, but you just don’t? Or you build up all this conflicted energy where you don’t want to go talk to her but you feel like you HAVE to, so you go up to her all unsure and anxiety-ridden? That’s not going to go well, and it’s when you’re most likely to end up being awkward.

But with some desensitization, practice, and internal work on letting go of your fears, you can get over this.

Because it’s all about how you feel inside. Feeling free, open, and enjoying just being in front of her is the answer. That really is how to not be creepy when approaching a girl. Watch the video for more.

Enjoy the video, and work on getting over it. It will make your whole life so much better.