In this video, I demonstrate how to create sexual tension/sexual chemistry with a woman with the help of our beautiful model, Lillia. The key is something you’re probably (consciously or subconsciously) avoiding when talking to women: tension. If you’re avoiding tension in conversation with women, you can’t create sexual tension, and sexual tension IS that chemistry you want to have with women.

This is part 2 of our 4-part demonstration series on connecting with women. If you missed the first video, catch up here.

In society today, we’re often taught that tension is a bad thing and something to be avoided whenever possible. But tension is crucial to life and growth. If you want your muscles to get stronger or bigger, you need to put tension on them to grow. Learning to handle pressure situations can make you a more confident, more successful, happier, person…and can even save your life, vs if you freak out under pressure. When you step outside your comfort zone, that’s tension.

But with this misunderstanding and fear of tension, many men try to take all the tension out of conversation with women to avoid any momentary awkwardness, be as nice as possible, and make sure the woman isn’t ever displeased or uncomfortable, even for a second. So they’re walking on egg shells around women and playing the people-pleaser.

But tension is the biggest key to how to create chemistry with a woman!

You need tension to flirt, to have that spark, that sexual turn-on and mutual attraction with women.

You may think you’re being nice or a gentleman, but when you avoid tension with women all the time, you’re not being real with them. You’re not saying what’s really on your mind out of fear of rejection or other similar fears. You’re being inauthentic and boring.

When you learn to relax into tension with women and enjoy it is when things get fun. It may even still be scary sometimes, but like riding a roller coaster, skydiving, or doing pretty much anything else exhilarating, a little fear can equal a lot of fun!

So enjoy the video, and start stepping into more tension when you meet and talk to women you’re attracted to. Without developing your tension skills, women just won’t ever consistently be attracted to you. But with a little tension, you become far more attractive. Because creating tension IS how to create chemistry with a woman.

Watch part 3 of the series: How to Pass Women’s Tests

The 8 Qualities Of A Confident and Masculine Man: Tension Skills
TED Talk on Stress & Tension