“Motivation” can serve as a temporary endorphin rush to help you focus and make a little progress towards your goals, but maintaining that focus and productivity on your goals day in, and day out can be one of our biggest challenges – especially in this day & age where tech and social media distractions inundate us like the air we breathe. In this video, Brian goes over some tips & ways of thinking about your goals to help you stay focused.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in August 2016.

Founder Brian Begin talks about focusing the FEARLESS way so you can more realistically stay focused & succeed in achieving your goals in the face of our ADD, tech-distraction addicted society. It’s about having a consistent ritual to focus and re-focus your mind daily on your goals…and making sure you’re picking the right goals for where your head is at right now.

First, let’s touch on “multitasking.”

As Brian talks about in the video, men especially are better suited focusing on one thing at a time. But there’s lots of research out there showing the downfalls and lack of productivity, quality of results, and efficiency when men or women try to multitask. Forbes even covered Stanford University research that showed Multitasking Damages Your Brain And Career and may even damage your EQ (emotional intelligence).

Highly successful people pick one goal to focus on first and foremost. In the video, Brian uses the example of Mark Zuckerberg’s goal to reach 10 million Facebook users and how he stuck that goal on his desk for him to keep in the forefront of his focus daily. Zuckerberg was also said to have dismissed any idea or project that didn’t move the company closer to that goal.

Brian reads his goal daily in the morning (and at least three times per day is his intention) to help him refocus, as well as, more importantly, to work out any insecurities, nervousness, or heavy energy around the goal. In the video, Brian discusses why this is even more important to him than actual actions on the goal…and he covers a lot more.


Related Videos:

Success & your Dream Life – Goals & Enjoying the Journey (part 1)
How to Be Confident & Successful: Make Committed Decisions, Implement FAST | Inside FEARLESS #28
How to Set and Pursue Life Goals SUCCESSFULLY – Erik Von Sydow (Hypnotica) | Becoming FEARLESS
Dangers of “Positive Thinking” – Balancing Problem & Solution Thinking | Inside FEARLESS #21