Think you have women all figured out? You couldn’t be more wrong. In this blog post, we’re going to share some information that will change your beliefs about women forever.

Video Transcript:

So in this video, I want to talk about the power of the subconscious mind or the subject of mind. If we’re talking about it from a new thought perspective versus the conscious mind and how when you really nail getting that feeling. That energy, that vibration, the subconscious mind will radically change your life. Because then it impresses on the universal mind and causes everything to start coming to you.

So we want to get into that and what that’s like. And I think this is one little thing. I’m going to share one little thing in this video today that is something I’ve been contemplating a lot that i think is so so important in this area. And when you get it you begin to realize that. And me personally too beginning to realize that it was much easier than I ever thought. It had to be like I made it way harder than it needed to be back back in the day.

So let’s dive in and talk about that a little bit more. Okay the first thing I want to talk about is that if you got a conscious mind that’s really busy really going nuts, really going crazy, you’re gonna have a really hard time pressing on the unconscious mind. Impressing on the unconscious mind see the law of attraction or that part of your brain that sorts for and pulls things to you. The things you want in your world that’s in the subconscious mind.

So you can think all day long. I’m a millionaire. I’m amazing with women. I’m a sexy bastard. You can impress it right here. You can yell. You can scream it. You can jump up and down in front of the mirror that will not change a damn thing if it never reaches the subconscious mind and ultimately the universal mind.

It has to get through those layers before life in the external world starts to change. Because if I think all day long that I’m a sexy bastard and all I’m doing is activating the law polarity, that part of myself, that’s not a sexy bastard.

It doesn’t feel like a sexy bastard going. No you’re not oh you’re an idiot. And the more I scream in my mind I’m a sexy bastard and the more my mind goes no you’re really kind of ugly. You’re too short. You don’t have enough money. Women don’t like You come on buddy.

And I keep having that battle and I keep losing, the more I’m actually growing the negative side of myself. And by doing this over and over again, I’m activating the law of polarity.

See what I say I’m really sexy and the polarity of that is I’m not sexy. And I keep triggering that polarity over and over again. And I don’t deal with that properly. This eventually gets bigger. Excuse me this way if this eventually gets bigger and this kind of disappears. I get frustrated and I quit. I go into apathy.

So what do you do about that? How do you solve that problem? Well first off, you got to learn to chunk it way down. If you want to feel like a sexy bastard stop trying to feel like a sexy bastard all at once. Stop trying to force it. Stop trying to jam it into your brain. Don’t yell it in the mirror a million times.

Start with where you’re at. If you can find one percent of yourself a tiny little speck of yourself that feels like a sexy bastard, nurture that play with that day in and day out. Throughout the day check in five times a day. Are you still there? Check in six times. Ten times a day you still there?

I’ve done this literally when i was turning on. That turned on part of myself. That sexual part of myself and my hips that was really numbed out. I started with a little speck and I would just sit there and feel that little speck.

And I would nurture that speck and throughout the day at least five times a day. I think I actually set an alarm. I would sit there just are you still there? Can I still feel you? And I kept nurturing it till it started to grow in me and became a part of me. That’s when it starts to become muscle memory.

Just like an athlete it eventually will become muscle memory and that’s what you want. Think about it. If you’ve ever lifted weights and you’ve built a lot of muscle and you just quit and you quit work it out for a while, you shrink. It comes back really fast because the body knows what it feels like.

And so when you begin to feel deep inside yourself and you begin to understand what the feeling is, it’s like a little radio signal in the background of your mind. That feels this way and you begin to tune into that and tune that up. And keep checking in with that. That’s when it begins to grow and spread to your whole body and become a part of you and that’s when you become a true athlete versus trying to force it all in at once.

Start with what you can handle. Start small if you have to. If you’re really negative and I can feel just a little bit that’s where you start. Now Before I go on, I want to tell you that if you haven’t dealt with your monkey mind, you’ve got a noisy mind that’s yelling at you a lot. No I’m not and you haven’t dealt with that. You’ve got to deal with that first.

So check out my last video on meditation or the one before that there’s a link to my last video in here. And the importance of that to slow that mind down because you don’t slow that mind down you don’t get it under control. Nothing’s ever going to get through the unconscious mind and ultimately to the universal mind.

To start to change your reality now, I want to share a story with you. And then I want to share the thing i talked about in the beginning. This little realization I had. That it’s much easier to do this than you think if you understand this one little principle.

One of my clients called me recently. And now his name is Eddie. And Eddie killed it with women. But he was terrible when he came to me. He was so bad. Women would run away from him. But then something happened in his life. He started to do the work the way I’m talking about. A little bit each day. A little bit each day and he went downhill and got heavy for a while.

But then when he came up, suddenly women liked him. And they liked him a lot. He had more dates and he knew what to do with now. Eddie is 5’2. He’s a little chubby. He was losing his hair and he still became magnetic to women. You see it’s not about what you look like. It’s largely about who you’re being. And Eddie knew how to be a leader.

He knew how to take charge. He knew how to be grounding. And when he got that story inside of himself, that i’m a sexy bastard it didn’t matter at that point. He said in the beginning he used to try to hide his height all the time. He’d wear like implants in his shoes and all this stuff. Then later he said i love it when I have to stand on a bench to kiss a girl or stand on a on a step stool to kiss the girl.

It’s damn sexy and the women began to like it too. Because he didn’t have a problem with it. As he began to change the way women connected with them also began to change. Now Eddie called me today out of the blue. And he said it’s interesting. He went out to dinner with a friend and his friend’s girlfriend to talk about a business deal.

And he said his friend called him the next day and said I think my girlfriend likes you. And he’s like what do you mean? She just won’t stop talking about you. She talks about how cool you are. And he’s like wow. I still got it coach. Because Eddie has now been married for several years to a gorgeous woman. And he was like wow it’s still in me. And I’m like yes it’s in you because it’s muscle memory. It’s part of who you are now. You naturally attract women.

So now I want to share that part that I think is so important. I was really thinking about a lot today over the last few days. That if you’re really good with women, you’re not sitting there all day. Saying I’m a sexy bastard. You don’t even have to feel it to a huge degree. Matter of fact, most of the time you’re not going to be noticing it at all. Because it’s going to be a feeling in the subconscious mind not in the conscious mind.

And when it finally hooks in the subconscious mind it’s going to be like this little radio signal in the background. And it’s just going to be like, just like when you receive a lot of money. Because you’re used to making money. I make a lot of money why wouldn’t the money be here? It’s going to be more like that or why wouldn’t women like me? Like you might be walking around all day saying i’m a sexy bastard. But you’re also not gonna be walking around all day beating yourself up.

You’re not gonna be having those negative thoughts that say i’m not good enough. You’re just gonna be like hey oh there’s my buddy. Oh there’s so and so having a good day. Look at the sun and if somebody says do you feel like a sexy bastard you just feel into your body. Yep there it is. There’s that little subtle feeling in the background of my mind. And it feels amazing, yeah I feel like a sexy bastard.

Why wouldn’t I be? I’m a man. Women like men and that’s what it comes down to when you can get that subtle constant feeling. When you can start to tune in five six seven eight nine ten times a day. And say yep still there and there’s no negative thought countering it or very little. That’s when magic will start to happen. When you could set a timer on your phone yep still there still there.

an authentic and courageous alpha

But if you sit down and you go do I feel like a sexy bastard and there’s a little voice in your head and you get a little heavy, heavier and a little voice in your head goes no you don’t. Oh you’ll never be good with women. You’re not quite there yet. That’s that voice that hasn’t died out yet. That’s that little self-talk and when that guy dies out and you do your check-in and he’s no longer there. And you’re like yep I’m a sexy bastard and then you meditate on it for maybe five minutes, you’re gonna feel it. Just amp way up you’ll be able to turn it up.

Get all those endorphins pumping it doesn’t matter. If you’re in the park or in the nightclub you just shut your eyes. Yep there it is. I’m turning it way up. And then when you go back about your business and about your day and you don’t think about it, it settles down. But it’s always there in the background of your mind that feeling. Women like me. Women want to have sex with me. I get dates easily. I met and if the feeling is I have the girl of my dreams.

I have the amazing relationships. I have the perfect partner. Whether she’s here or not right now. When that becomes constant with no negative self-talk trust me she will show up. So if you’re ready to radically shift your life it’s not about the big feeling.

The big feelings help you to program the subconscious mind but ultimately it’s about those little feelings running in the background. Those little emotions. And they’re just sitting there. And you tune into them and they’re there.

Oh yeah I have plenty of money. Oh yeah i’m a sexy bastard. Oh I feel really good about myself. I have six back out yeah. Why wouldn’t i have six pack abs? I take care of myself there’s a sense of why wouldn’t I. Oh yeah when somebody tries to challenge it and you really enjoy that feeling.

So i’m gonna invite you to start to think about it this way. If you’ve got a monkey mind that’s constantly talking negative to you, constantly abusing you and beating you up, check out my last two videos I did. Especially the last one on meditation and the one before that and really start to get that monkey mind under control I met with using meditation and the revealing process.

First you gotta steal the mind. Then you gotta let go of all that garbage. And you gotta keep letting go of that garbage. Consistency is your friend because to get this little radio signal in the background of your mind to the point where it’s constant and consistent all the time, it’s gonna take a little bit of an effort.

It’s gonna take some work to clear that mind out. Get that monkey mind settled down and to start opening up and reprogramming. It might take months. It might take three months. Six months depending on how noisy your mind is especially if you’re doing it on your own.

But on the other hand. If you’ve calmed this mind down, you’ve done the meditative work, the releasing work and your body’s open well and you start on a new topic. Let’s say it’s going to be that much faster maybe instead of three months.

Now it’ll take one month to make a shift or a week to make a shift. Because your mind is so cleaned out the monkey mind is still when you go to work on yourself. Man that stuff goes right into that objective mind. And ultimately affects the universal mind which brings the what you want to you and. And your life begins to look magical to everybody else.

It looks like you think about stuff and it just happens for you. You’re just lucky and in reality you’ll know deep down inside, you’ve done the work to get those minds in order. So they all talk to each other cleanly without any interference, without static to become the man you want to be. But you can shift it at will. You can change it, it will. You can move it, it will.

And maybe it takes a few days. Maybe it takes a week. Maybe it’s instant. Who knows for you at that point? But up until then you gotta do this work. That’s why in revealing we talk a lot about the welcoming part is the meditative part. And I have given students.

And I did give Eddie, this student he was so bad at welcoming before. He let go. He was always welcoming to get welcoming, to get wanting wanting wanting. That I gave him the assignment to just welcome and meditate for one month straight. And just feel everything. Get comfortable feeling everything before he started to do another release.

And at the end of that month, He started to release again. And boy stuff started to come out. And boy did things change. He started to shift radically fast. So if you’re ready for a big change understand this video. Watch it again. Watch my previous video. Watch the one before that.

Check the link out for the previous video in this. And do this work over and over because this is ultimately getting that little radio signal in the background of your mind. Tuned properly with what you want and what you chose. It we’re going to go beyond one we’re going to go. I’ve chosen this, that signal’s kicked on and all those negative self doubting thoughts are dying out.

And when I check in with it all these, beautiful thoughts come up. When that clicks on, you are going to be a beast. You’re going to be powerful. You’re going to be that sexy bastard or you’re going to make money or whatever is you want to go do. And that’s what I wanted to share with you today. It’s powerful and it can be life-changing.

Now the question is how many of you are going to apply it? I want you to answer that in the comments. H ow many of you’re going to do this three months, six months, a month. Really do the work to still that mind. The conscious mind and start to be able to so you can affect the subconscious mind. You got to steal the conscious mind so you can affect the subconscious mind which then affects the universal mind.

So put a comment in the video. Let me know if you’re going to do that work. And how long you’re committing to put a commitment in there to do this work to learn more about it okay. And I think that’s it.

With that said hopefully you enjoyed this video. Make sure to like. Make sure to subscribe. Make sure to share. Make sure to comment like I just said. And the more you share, the more you like, the more you subscribe, the more we can grow this channel. And we can bring you awesome content.

Help us to grow the Fearless YouTube channel. We want to hit the hundred thousand mark as quickly as we can. That’s it guys. And so what would you do if you were fearless? Still wasn’t quite rolling off my the tongue right? But what would you do if you were fearless? Well that was better and only the confident really lived.

See you in the next video take care.