FEARLESS coach Anthony talks about how stepping into tension on a daily basis – including quitting his job – helped him live a much bigger, more adventurous life.

Before becoming a coach for FEARLESS Anthony felt powerless when it came to directing his life where he wanted it to go. His sense of powerlessness was evident in his career and dating life.

He didn’t even know he had a choice with women. Anthony remembers longingly looking at women he’d see on the street and wondering what it’d be like to talk to and connect with them, but having no sense of choice or power to do anything about it.

Fast forward to today, Anthony’s shyness has become a strength for him because of his ability to own it and interact with women anyway – the shyness and moments of embarrassment even became charming and sexy to women.

His reality on woman, sex, money and travel has shifted and he’s now enjoying a reality that he once didn’t even know was possible.

As a coach, Anthony specializes in helping men learn how to open up, stop worrying about what others think, and learning to effectively handle emotions in the moment.

Some of the things Anthony discusses in the video:

-How strongly No More Mr. Nice Guy resonated with Anthony (We receive a small commission if you buy through that link.)
-How Anthony immediately started seeing changes in how people treated him at work, with women, and beyond after becoming a FEARLESS student
-The power of vulnerability
-Stepping into more tension and a bigger life around traveling and doing things he wanted to do without waiting on friends to do it with him
-Why stepping into more tension can change your entire life
-Taking the leap in quitting his job…with no backup plan
-How Anthony embraced the power of compounding interest
-Selling his car to become a better salesperson