In this video, I answer a viewer question about how to be a better public speaker and give you some tips that I use in my own life that you may not find elsewhere!

This week’s question is from Daniel, who asks:

“I’ve been following ‘The Fearless Man’ for the last 2 months and I’m glad, I did. It changed me for good. I’m curious, if you can tell your opinion or tips on talking in front of public on stage (Since you do this very often). I guess stepping into the tension and being relaxed in your body play a huge part as always. Is there anything else? Thanks.”

First, if you’re new to the site, catch up on how to think about tension and stress here: Stress is a Form of Tension – How To Make Stress Your Friend

Along with being relaxed in your body while speaking to an audience and allowing the tension you feel to run through you rather than resisting that feeling, a couple of the things I use in my own public speaking and talk about in the video above:

Emotional Access & Turn-on
Are you excited and turned-on for what you’re doing and speaking about? Are you really in touch with those emotions and feelings?

Feeling the Audience
Are you in tune with the audience and their emotions? I try to talk to individuals or at least sections of the audience, and adjust and flow with what I’m getting from them. I may bring part of the audience more tension if they’re not as engaged, or tell a story to bring up the energy. More on this in the video.

Personally, I never pre-write a whole talk or speech. I go off of bullet points and then I flow and adjust with what I’m feeling from the audience, and how I feel, too.

These are my biggest keys for how to become a better public speaker – enjoy the video!