The Curse of the Middle Class – Live Outside Your Comfort...

The middle class is taught to prioritize security and comfort, but that keeps most from moving up in the world or really living -...

Is Money the Root of All Evil?? (Hint: Money Isn’t the...

Money certainly is abused & obsessed over by many who think money's everything, but is money the root of all evil? The answer is...

How to Stay Focused – Improve Your Focus & Achieve Goals

"Motivation" can serve as a temporary endorphin rush to help you focus and make a little progress towards your goals, but maintaining that focus...

Top TED Talks Every Man Should Watch – Part 2

On Monday, we started a list of TED Talks all men should watch - here are 7 more to soak up as you expand...

Procrastinating or Feeling Flat Out “Lazy”? Look at What’s Going On...

As Brian says, if there’s something you want that you aren’t making steady progress towards, it’s because there are underlying emotions you are avoiding...

A Tough Question to Empower You Through Failures and Setbacks

"How did I create this?" Or, "How am I creating this?" Brian has asked me to ask myself these questions many times over the years, both...

Achieve Your Goals Faster with the 1% Rule

Understanding compounding interest, also known as the 1% rule, in the context of success and growth can really help you achieve your goals faster...

Why You’re Not Working on What You Say You Want

It's mid-February and progress on your resolutions, new projects, goals, and habits are in full swing, right? ;) Editor's Note: This post was originally published...

Are You Stuck in The Curse of the Middle Class?

The middle class is taught to prioritize security and comfort, but that keeps most from moving up in the world or really living -...

How to Build Powerful Confidence – More on How to Be...

Build powerful confidence & become confident in EVERY area of your life with the steps Brian gives you in this video. If you haven't watched...

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Uncovering “Flow State” Secrets

Let's dive deep into a topic that's close to my heart – the power of tension and entering the Flow State. Let's break down...

Harnessing the Power of Tension: Your Gateway to Flow and Growth

I'm excited to share my insights from my recent talk in Miami. We delved deep into a topic that's close to my heart –...

Improve Your Conversation Skills: How to Get into Flow State

Someone on our YouTube channel asked me about how to improve your conversation skills, and specifically how to get into flow state. I think...

How To Let Go When You Just Can’t

Let's delve into a subject close to our hearts: The Art of Letting Go. Life has a way of throwing challenges our way. It's...

The Power of Authentic Vulnerability: Connecting on a Deeper Level

Today, we're diving into the intriguing world of vulnerability. Why it's the secret sauce for forging profound connections in every corner of your life....